Sebastian's fish Speedy has been doing extremely well these last few months... living his life to the fullest in his bathroom kept jar... So you can imagine my horror while on a bathroom break from Super Nanny last night, I go to wash my hands and notice something laying in the sink... I am looking directly at it but in the glow of the nightlight, I can't make out what it is! I flip on the light and sure enough Speedy in lying in the bottom of the sink, near the drain opening, as if trying to absorb any possible moisture... even a bit of condensation... What do I do? I freak out! I panicked and told Anthony that Speedy flipped out of his jar and was lying motionless in the sink!!!! He calmly tells me to go and scoop him out of the sink and dispose of his little body, down the tubes,(if you know what I mean...) This all seemed so sudden, so crass, so sad... but I returned to the sink to do as I had been instructed, and then, it happened! Speedy moved his fin, signaling to me that he was in fact alive...barely... and that he was thirsty, or whatever fish get when they are out of water! I quickly grab him and return him to his little jar and he is swimming again, a little confused but a lot alive! Thank goodness for impeccable timing, as he had probably just flung himself from the jar minutes before my entering the bathroom! Unbelievable... Needless to say I stick my head in that bathroom a lot more often these days just to make sure that our dare devil fish is behaving himself and then I
whisper to him...Stay put Speedy...
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