Thursday, May 29, 2008


This year we spent the long memorial day weekend in beautiful Santa Barbara with me sister and her family...

So here I was seated comfortably on the back on my brother in law's vintage Vespa, my sister's pink helmet snugly atop my head... We were on the way to the store to pick up some last minute items for the evening, ice cream and Lamb chops...Our ticket for some fresh air, a ticket to ride, and ride we did!.. We were off... down the drive way and up the street in no time... It was fast, faster than I had expected it to be... and it was exciting! I felt like I was flying through the streets... people were looking at us as we passed them by... My fingers were freezing like little icicles, and the wind was rushing at me so quickly, that even through my goggles my eyes watered and so I closed them for a quick minute... only to imagine that I was zipping through the streets of Rome, no time limits, no children to feed, bathe and get to bed by 7:30 p.m. I open my eyes to find us in the hills of Santa Barbara,(we were taking a scenic route to the grocery store), gigantic homes and lush landscapes, an ocean view and the sun, still high in the sky... beautiful. Then only blocks from there, a spanish barrio, and a tiny Italian market... We quickly gathered the food that we came for and hoped back on the smokey blue bike... home in a flash... safe, heart racing, mind wandering, in the house, babies smiling, little children's hands a grabbing... back to reality, my reality... thanks Will...

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