Friday, November 13, 2009

New News

I have a new job. I mean a real job where I arrive at a certain time, where I clock in and out, and this job of mine is amazing. AMAZING. I love it. This is where I work. Amazing right?

So, I'm at work tonight and I go on my break, (Yes, I get a break too) and look what is patiently waiting for me in my in-box...

Papa took a picture of my boys, enjoying their nightly bubble bath and sent it to Momma. How sweet is that? Also attached to the email was the following message...

(I love you and miss you and I share with Brooklyn and sometimes I get gressaf and I have molaf the truck and I love the whole universe,earth and Jesus!)  Sebastian

This made my entire night just that much more wonderful. Sometimes I do feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Tonight, life is good. Scratch that, great.


Patti said...

So awesome!! Love Sebastian's message, Sure it made the night a little brighter. Hubby gets a huge kudo for doing something so sweet. Anthropology is such a beautiful store. So happy for you =)

tanya said...

How sweet is that message!